oatmeal 101

Oatmeal is something I am very serious about–passionate you might say. I adore it and I can without-a-doubt say that my last year in college I had 365 bowls of oatmeal in one year. Too much? Never. I’m telling you this stuff is the only thing that can hold me over from 7am-1pm and its health benefits are endless. My interest first began about three years ago when I was introduced to food blogs. Kath of Kath Eats Real Food is the reason for my oatmeal addiction. I think I like oatmeal for the same reasons I like tacos–toppings. Raisins, craisins, coconut, chocolate chips, flaxseed, chia seeds, peanut butter, almond butter, raspberry jelly, sliced almonds, strawberries, honey, brown sugar, maple syrup….I could keep going. It makes breakfast fun and it’s always something new, but the essential ingredient to the best oatmeal in the world is the frozen banana.

Cooking Instructions (makes 1 bowl)

1/2 cup of raw oats

1/2 peeled frozen banana–sliced*

1/2 cup of milk (milk+water ratios can be adjusted to your taste, I prefer more milk to water)

1/4 water

pinch of salt

*Peel bananas before feezing them–they will not brown. Place in a ziploc bag and they can be stored for months.

Add all of your ingredients into a small pot and set your stove top to medium high. Once the water starts to steam and small bubbles appear stir vigorously (about 1-2 minutes) until all the liquid is absorbed into the oats. Serve and add toppings! The banana makes for a creamy and slightly sweet bowl of oatmeal. I find that frozen bananas dissolve and blend better than a regular banana, but both methods can be used.

Now repeat…365 times.

2 thoughts on “oatmeal 101

  1. Jen L says:

    This sounds amazing, and I’m always looking for things I can eat that will keep me full. Thanks for sharing!

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