Category Archives: Maine

happy belated…


Happy Blog-iversary Maine to Montreal! It has been over a year since I started this blog, a year on January 4th to be exact. I began Maine to Montreal as a creative outlet and a place to share all the things that inspire me day to day. It has been quite a journey–along with a reader response that was completely unexpected. I wanted to thank you all for following Maine to Montreal and I hope you continue to do so. I love hearing from you! Here are some of my favorite moments of 2012…














showered in maine

I went down to Maine again this weekend for a special bridal shower. My brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law are getting married in less than a month and a half {!} My mom and I wanted to sneak one last shower in before the big day. The menu was  simple and tasty, paired with a mint mojito on the side–but it was my mom’s coconut cake that really stole the show. Despite the gray and rainy skies, the day was lovely and I cannot wait for September to see these two tie the knot on the coast of Maine!


life by instagram

Hello! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend–I went down to Maine for a few days. We hadn’t made to Maine yet this summer  because things have been crazy busy with our renovations. It was so nice to finally spend some time there and visit my family. Events on the weekend list included: a Mumford & Sons outdoor concert in Portland, getting pizza at Otto’s, a swim in Porter Lake, eat some corn on a cob and enjoy the sun. Check. Until next time, Maine.






summer 2011 photo diary

Hey there! Since this past weekend kicks off the unofficial start of summer I thought it would be fun to take a look back at last summer’s adventures. It’s finally here! These are my favorite shots from 2011 (mind you I was going through a big hipsmatic phase at this time last year–didn’t we all?):

up to speed

{a sunny family lunch on the patio}

Hello friends. I feel like it’s been a long time…I’ve missed you! Sorry for my sporadic posts lately–this little thing called life has gotten a bit crazy. I’m finally feeling like I’m back on two feet again and am ready to get you up to speed. A big thing happened last week and I forgot to tell you–I wrote my 100th post! Crazy right? It has all gone by so fast. Thanks so much to everyone who stops by–it means more than you know. Here’s a little bit of what has been going on these past few weeks:

{an indulgent Saturday breakfast ritual–almond chocolate croissants with a cafe latte}

{a cute little arrangement at my parent’s house}

{round two of the nutella cookies–even better than the first}

{business card mock-ups}

maine [part I]

I spent my sunny weekend here on Porter Lake…

[note the old clunker from the 1900’s, ie. our boat–but I love it anyway.]

enjoying the view and realizing that although some things change the way I feel at the lake never does…

sitting in these chairs with my family–catching up and reminiscing…..

playing with Alta the dog…

 and keeping an eye on her while she curiously inspects our new guests…

 I love going home, but it’s hard to leave all of this sometimes. Anyone else up for early retirement in Maine? Absolutely impossible, but a girl can dream. I was so happy to be back in Maine and spend time with my immediate and extended family. We all spent a few days together and it was a nice reminder as to how special my family is. I’m lucky to have them.
